This one was fun. I love expressing my love for Ariel. It was also a good exercise to play out scenarios of what the world would be like without her. I have about eight different sets of lyrics to this song, some of which end with the entire world in nuclear warfare. Where I ended up focusing for the recording was on her influence with the little world we have in our home. She really is molding our little people amazingly, bringing them to their potential, which then raises their potential, and so it goes. Her impact goes well beyond the confines of our home, but that's where it's concentrated right now, and it does and will spread to and through the world from here.
Yes, I had fun with the premise, but the message is sincere: The world would be a much darker place without the most brilliant, creative, beautiful, thoughtful, kind, wise, true, unstoppable person I know. I love you, Ariel.
And thanks to my co-worker Kevin Brady for playing guitar. He rocks.