Monday, March 17, 2008

Tending the Sloans

This past weekend we experienced what it is to be the parents of five. We tended our cousins the Sloans, which proved to be an excellent experience.

Mary's satisfied face after checkmating Andrew in a bloody battle of chess.
After playing one round of hide-and-seek for 1/2 an hour, Andrew finally gave up. This is where Anna had been hiding.
How to get two girls to stop playing the Wii at midnight and into bed.
Daniel, Eden, Ariel and Anna enjoying homemade pear and toffee ripple ice cream. We decided that "ripple" is one of the least attractive words in the English language.
Andrew gave computer time tokens to them if they did crazy things. Anna decided it would be crazy to put Swedish Fish, Goldfish, and Animal Crackers on her pizza. Needless to say, she got her computer time tokens.

Eden made pancakes in shapes and sizes with skill second only to G-Ma Marshall.

At about midnight on Friday night, Andrew showed Daniel what kind of hairstyle would attract the ladies.
Beyond that we played Wii, jumped on the tramp in the hail, watched Mr. Bean, made a picnic that we had inside because it started snowing, and played Blokus. And while Joseph is not shown in any of the above pictures, he was with us through it all, and proved a useful resource when Andrew and Ariel tried to learn how to surf on a sting ray in Mario Universe.
Being a parent rocks.


Liz said...

Sounds like a blast. Will you come babysit us so we can play hide-and-seek and earn computer tokens? You two will be the coolest parents on your block.

W, L, and J

Martha said...

Since we have returned, all we here is Andrew did this and Ariel did that. Andrew and Ariel are so cool. Andrew and Ariel let us do this. Why can't you be more like Andrew and Ariel? Etc. Etc. The pear/carmel ice cream was a big hit. Joseph loved playing the Wii until 2:30 a.m. Come back! Come back! The little Sloans loved you!

Natalie said...

Hey I know the sloans! it is such a small world. They were in my ward all growing up. I remember eden. hey you guys look great! Ariel I love the tum! So cute!

Unknown said...

cute hair daniel. I'm sure it will turn all of the ladies on.