I think it's been a while since I just wrote about Abe and what he's up to, so here are a few details about our little 8.5 month old.
-Abe has new big-boy tennis shoes
-BECAUSE he has started taking steps by himself
-He moves so fast, it will probably be a while before he slows down enough to really balance
-He is learning a bit of sign language
-He really only knows the sign for "milk," but he's really good at it
-In order to affirm that he knows the sign, and that I respect what he asks for (because I can't explain to him "not right now"), I end up feeding him in some very strange places
-While nursing, he feels most comfortable if he's playing with my face or hair (eyelashes and eyebrows are preferred)
-Abe weighs over 20 lbs
-He has a lot of energy
-He LOVES being outside
-If he can't be outside, looking out the window is the next best thing
-His favorite toys consist of phones, computers, and cameras
-He thinks he's too old for Cheerios (they're not as good as salty crackers)
-The same satisfaction he used to get from feeding himself, he now gets from taking food off his tongue, squeezing it in his fingers, and throwing it on the floor (it's especially satisfying if he gets to watch me pick it up again)
-He doesn't like juice
-Or anything sweet (even candy-we'll see how long that lasts!)
-His favorite foods are probably carrots, celery, apples and broccoli
-He never really took from a bottle, but is great with a sippy cup
-Besides nursing, he only drinks water
-He doesn't understand what shaking or nodding your head means (he just thinks it's a fun thing to mimic)
-He falls down a lot
-He loves going down the slide
-And eating dirt
-He's definitely a daddy's boy
-He loves his grandparents and his aunts and uncles
-He loves putting his hand in cups and splashing the water in the bottom
-And pulling the books off the bookshelf
-He loves bouncing- in his bouncer, or just all the time. His legs are little springs
-Abe is sick right now
-He does NOT like getting his nose wiped, poor guy
-He wakes up early, and with a lot of energy
-He still sleeps in our bed
-And likes to sleep with his arm around me
-He has tons of energy
-He doesn't like playing by himself very much
-He has six teeth- four on top and two on bottom
-Abe has a few hairs on top of his head that are very long, and he has one hair on the right side of his head that's about an inch long. Other than that, his hair's pretty short. But I think it's growing.
-He has been army crawling for about four months. Just now (when he's also learning to walk), he's started to pick himself up on his knees.
-His favorite game is peek-a-boo
-He is learning all about how drawers work (and doors and cupboards)
All together, he is a charming boy, and a joy to be around! I consider myself the luckiest mom in the world, because I'm the only one who gets to be with Abe all day long! My favorite times are when we just look at each other and laugh for no reason. We really get along great. I love my little Abey-baby
What a fun update. At four, Marshall still doesn't know what shaking your head means. Or, for that matter, the word that accompanies it.
I love this little guy! He is growing up soooo fast! I bet he walks in the next two months! unless he's like Lincoln and is just perfectly satisfied with moving at a tar like pace...
Smartest, prettiest baby in the world! It was fun to see you yesterday!
Look at that healthy eater! But of course.
So fun to read the update! I am going to make every attempt to come visit you next week when I am back in SL, so save some fun for me! I miss my little Abe...
Love, Aunt Merzi
Oh I love your little Aby-Baby, too, and his parents, who take such tender care of him day and night, in sickness and health. Watching you I can see how the Lord would not allow a sparrow to fall without his notice. You both keep good track of the hairs of the head, too!
Sounds like quite an adventure. Cherish these special experiences that you get to have!
Hey You Three!
Boy it's been a while since we visited your blog! Andrew, thanks for your testimony on God's grace. We loved reading it together. He blesses you so much because you always acknowledge Him.
And what a fun post about Hammie! We should do something like that too. Can't WAIT to see you all in less than two months!
Love Us Three.
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