Sunday, April 11, 2010


We're really going to miss our dear friends, Javier, Charity, and Max who just moved out. Abe and Max have become the best of friends over the past two years. Just today they chased each other around, held hands, gave hugs, and enjoyed each other all through Nursery and after church. They've had some great adventures over the past years, from hanging out together past curfew to fighting crime as ninjas, and many others that were and were not caught on tape. Below are some pictures from one of their latest play times together.

And we'll miss Javier and Charity too! They have become wonderful, true friends and examples of faith and endurance. We'll sure miss you three! Stay in touch!


Nonie said...

I'm sure this friendship has helped teach little Abe how to be a sweet friend, because he sure is good to Samuel. I'm sorry you're losing Max, but glad you got some great pictures for the record!

Buchfam said...

And what will we do without our dear friends the Marshalls! I am so grateful that Max has had the chance to have such an awesome little best friend during our time at Wymount! Right now he is excitedly screaming, Abe Abe Abe! Hopefully they will still have adventures in the future! We love you guys!

Rachel and Micah said...

I'm sorry that there won't be any sequels of the Abraham and Max film series, but maybe at a future reunion you can arrange to do another one :)