Friday, June 11, 2010

This must be for real!

We've secured a moving truck
We have an apartment (pool, playground and all!)
We've planned out our route and have hotel reservations
We found out that pregnancy is NOT a pre-existing condition through our insurance (YES!)
Andrew starts work a week from Monday!

Load the moving truck
Drive for four days
Unload the moving truck
Find a midwife
Turn this baby around (He's up-side-up; can't say I blame him)
Go to IKEA


Nikki said...

hahaha, "go to Ikea" was on a friends list as well as ours before moving out of state! Too funny.

Kristi said...

South Bend is right off I80 so if you want to spend a free night at our house on the way you are more than welcome too!

Nonie said...

Red alert! Red alert! WRONG COAST!!!

Hey, Sher gave us some tips for turning a breech, including an unusual one about a certain pressure point on one of the little toes... remind me to look that up for you. You can do it, Baby Ben!

So glad to hear about the insurance! I wish you a successful midwife hunt. I think you'll find someone wonderful.

Hey, if you need to stay a night at our place too, that will be just fine. Just let us know.

Eliza said...

Wow, reading this post brought back a flood of memories. When we moved from Utah to Georgia, I was also pregnant so your to do list looks very similar to what ours looked like. Good luck with everything, what a fun new adventure you're beginning!

Natalie G. said...

Wow! Congratulations on getting the job and that is great news that pregnancy is not a pre-exisiting condition. So, are you moving to MD,VA, or DC?

Nourishing Creations said...

I know this Doula, Cheryl, in the DC area (in MD specifically, but she will go to any area in DC-VA-MD) She might have a lot of recommendations for midwives. I've met Cheryl and she would be a great help to finding you a midwife or working with her as a doula. I know being in a new area it's challenging to find new health providers!