Thursday, May 5, 2011

The New Do &ct.

Oh where did my little boy go?  Poor Abraham gets so sweaty that I had to cut all his beautiful hair off!  We had a hair-cutting party with his friend Calder to assure the boys' good behavior. 
 Here's Abe excited to see his friend!

 Matching cheesy smiles!
 They were so excited to play they needed some run around time before sit down time.

They watched Veggie Tales and ate black licorice.
All of Abe's beautiful hair!  I could have made a wig out of it.
After the haircut, I was shocked for the next few days every time I would see Abraham, but he couldn't care less.  When we got home I plopped him in front of the mirror (he had already looked at his haircut at Calder's house) and he said, "Why am I looking in the mirror?"  

I guess we haven't posted in a while.  Here are some Easter pictures.
We had some fun friends over for a Portuguese-themed Easter.  What you can't tell is how hot it is in our apartment!  All four little boys were so sweaty by the end of dinner.  They were good sports, though.  I love Easter.  I think it's definitely under-celebrated.

And this awesome party is Maryland Day at the University of Maryland.  There was so much to do!  We had a blast.
 Ben and I in a canoe (Abe wasn't interested).
 Checking out the pulleys
 Painting an airplane
 Having a go at a pinata
 Digging for shark teeth
 Bouncin in the house
 Touching a sheep

 Ben fell asleep waiting for the free ice cream

 Don't judge me for feeding my baby ice cream.
Trust me, you couldn't have resisted either.


Nonie said...

Can you believe I'm finally the first to comment on your blog post? Yay for my birthday free time! :) I loved these pictures! I would hardly recognize Abraham now if I saw him on the street. I see a little more Sorensen in him now than I did before. What handsome boys!! :)

Leah and Daniel said...

They are darling! And I'm glad you feed Ben ice cream...I think William might just love it as much as I do.

haley said...

I would have judged you if you didn't feed your baby ice cream. :) Abe's haircut is very cute, he's such a big boy.