Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Hobbits Movie

While we were in California last month we decided to make a movie. Amanda came up with the brilliant idea to make a movie about hobbits--given the many little ones and deep woods all around. We improvised our way along, developing plot points as we went. The boys improvised entire scenes, including the Elven-tongue scene (one of my favorites). It was fun seeing my sisters playing the roles of trolls and their spontaneous banter. And my dad said it was the first movie he'd ever been in--not bad, eh? But my favorite scene is when Ariel and Nonie come to the aid of the little, tired hobbits. And to be honest, the hobbits really were tired by the end of the three days of filming, hence the hashed-together denouement. 

It took me around 30 hours to edit, but Abe, Ben and I had a good time selecting sound effects and songs.

It's a fun hobby, and in this case turned out to be an engaging way to remember the trip!



John and Ann said...

Very fun! Great job Andrew.

Rachel said...

The world would be a different place if all fathers had hobbit hobbies! We enjoyed the film; great job as always.