Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Waiting Game!

It really is more of a game when you live with the likes of Ariel Bea. Instead of moping around, wondering when that late baby (due September 21) is going to grace you with her presence, you go out and do things!

Sandy Point Beach!

The National Zoo!

We caught them at nap time, but we've seen them in action and they're awesome.
Welcoming Nonna!

The National Book Festival on the National Mall!
Meeting one of our favorite children's book authors, Peter Brown.
And hearing R.L. Stine tell a story was a childhood dream come true. I had Goosebumps #1-38.
Abe would rather look at costumed idols from afar
Ben was curious and very happy to meet Curious George.
And Super Why. We paid nothing for a Disneyland-esque experience!

Daddy-o's work!
Drawing on the full-scale white board walls.

The temple!

 Abe's preschool potluck!

We also just finished reading "The Hobbit" together, which we thoroughly enjoyed. And had a "Pirates of Penzance" party. Nothing like a little Gilbert and Sullivan to get a baby movin'.

And I'm taking Ariel out every night until baby comes. Here's to the present! But if Evelyn Bea is reading this we really aren't discouraging your arrival. Please come soon.


Jessica said...

Good luck, we are playing the waiting game right there with you! My due date was today! Best of luck to you guys!

Whitney Hardie said...

Oh wow, I am so giddy just reading this. What an amazing time! I'll be thinking of you for sure and praying for you to have a blessed experience. Evelyn Bea - can't wait to "meet" her!

hdknowles said...

Congratulations - I didn't know you guys were expecting. I best that little princess will make her arrival very soon.

John and Ann said...

Wow, R.L. Stine, that is awesome. Can't wait to hear of the new arrival.

Rachel and Micah said...

No end to free adventures in D.C.! Have you connected with Ben Peterson about your love of R.L. Stine? Such fun, and it must only be getting better now that Nonna's there. If Evelyn read that post, it would probably convince her to come ASAP so she doesn't miss out on any more good times!

Melissa said...

Wonderful post! And goo job, Andrew, for taking your wife out every night. Husbands are the best! Still praying for you all!

Melissa said...

Um... that was supposed to say 'good job' :)

April said...

so exciting! hope she comes soon and safe!!!

Jan Marshall said...

Hey, IM even feeling a little left out. Evelyn Bea and I are both missing out there, eh Lark?! BUT, nice passing time with Nonna; and a getting a date every night too!

Love Love Love, the Grandmama left behind.

Scottish gal said...

I actually told E. B. to hold off until she could run and talk -- so she'd have a level playing field.