Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I had the most amazing experience this morning.  

But, let's back up.  About a month and a half ago, I stepped on some graphite from a mechanical pencil that Abraham had left out in his room.  It really killed.  When I went to take it out, the top broke off in my hand.  I tried to get it out with tweezers, no luck.  I tried basically every imaginable way to get it out.  As far as I could go in my foot, the graphite was still there.  I could only scrape at the tip of it (which I could see), but that didn't solve anything.
I also tried to ignore it, but that didn't work.  I had no idea how long it was, but it wasn't coming out on it's own.  I finally gave in and went to the doctor in preparation for a weekend in NY that was going to require a lot of walking.  The foot doctor wasn't really that helpful.  She also scratched at it until it hurt, and then told me to get an x-ray to see how long it was.  That sounded like surgery prep.  I didn't like it.  So I tried the "ignore approach" again.  It didn't work.  My foot was getting sore all over because I was walking on it funny, and I started to think about a life devoid of serious exercise, and probably lots of back pain.  Thankfully, however, it didn't ever get infected.
Weeks passed, and I went to a nice relief society activity.  Long story short, I happened to mention to my RS pres about my predicament.  She told me about PRID!
Smile's - PRID Homeopathic Drawing Salve - 18 g
I ordered it online, and told Andrew to (again) put off calling another doctor.  I applied PRID on twice in 24 hours.  I noticed the spot on my foot was getting sore, so the PRID was at least agitating the spot.  This morning, after soaking my foot, I pricked the skin with a pin and released some fluid.  As I was pressing my foot to release the fluid, guess what else emerged!
Fully intact and about 3/4 in long.  I was so happy I cried.  That was a few hours ago, and I can walk straight without feeling anything at all!  I am so grateful.
My take away lessons?  Going to the doctor may or may not be helpful, but going to Relief Society definitely is.  And use PRID. 


Whitney Hardie said...

Oh my gosh - I can't believe you were living with that in your foot.

I'm so happy it's out - PRID is magic!

Eliza said...

Hooray for Relief Society!!

I had a piece of mechanical graphite stuck in the palm of my hand once and the doctor had to inject stuff into my hand to turn it into a giant bubble to get it out--no fun.

And also, you may have just been an answer to my prayers! My oldest boy Peter has had a long sliver of wood stuck deep into his thigh for weeks now and it is still bothering him and we've tried everything to get it out... everything except PRID. So thank you for sharing this!

Andrew and Ariel said...

Oh I'm so glad! Try it, I KNOW it'll work!!
I also had a piece of graphite in my hand once . . . and still do (I got it when I was about 6). The "ignore" trick worked when it wasn't part of my body I was walking on!

Lark said...

I will grudgingly admit that you are getting better at performing surgery on yourself! ;)

Natalie said...

aaahhh! That is huge! Wow I will have to try it whenever I get graphite in my foot!

Rachel and Micah said...

Inspiring! I'll add it to my list of natural healing success stories.