Sunday, May 4, 2008

Openings and Closings

It's been a time of openings and closings.
Andrew graduated this week. The U was good to him. He learned a great deal and really enjoyed studying journalism and diversity. Ariel postponed her graduate studies to work full-time and pay for his tuition, a sacrifice he thanks her for.

Another major closing: the mission. We were released today. We will miss those good, hard-working, loving Latino people so much. We worked with people from almost every South American country, and came to love them. We wrote letters to the legislators on their behalf, Andrew wrote newspaper articles to give them a voice that they needed. We learned to love our neighbors as ourselves. It would be impossible to express the lessons learned from these beautiful people. We will miss them dearly. We would recommend this experience to anyone, young or old (and all are able to do it. They actually need people. We can refer you to the inner-city mission if you're interested). It has left us marked for the better.

And now for the openings. Big River started! The run has been going really well. Andrew and Huck are becoming one.

And the final opening. We are opening into the last stage before baby comes. We attended a baby class this week for natural birthing. We feel great about the decision and really trust the midwife. It'll be a grand, mysterious adventure, as Huck would say.

So that's that. Life rolls on.


Whitney said...

You flew through school man! Whitney and I did the walk thing this past weekend, but to be perfectly honest, it feels long from over. Keep us posted on the ruivito.

Liz Heywood said...

Hey! Congratulations Andrew! (and Ariel for stickin' by him the whole way!) We're all excited to come see Big River! Now on schools. :)