Ariel bought Andrew a massage for a graduation present, which she shared. If anyone wants a relaxing massage to gear up for summertime, talk to us and we'll get you our Aunt Georgia Anderson's contact, who is a certified massage therapist. She's fantastic! You'll leave refreshed and renewed!
In other news, the musical ended. Blamed if it wasn't one of the best experiences ever had. There warn't no soul-butter or hogwash found in it at all. Why when it come to truth, humor, and mighty good music, it lay over them all. It was a grand, mysterious adventure full of considerable joy, honest injun.
Andrew could not have done it without the love and support of his beautiful Ariel, who attended almost every performance and many of the rehearsals. Now it's time for him to turn around and support her as we come down to the final weeks before little Huckleberry comes to our arms!
Hmm.A massage...that is a brilliant idea!! I just put a bunch of pictures from the show up. Enjoy!!
Have you really decided on a name and you're just not telling me? I feel I ought to know, seeing as I will be his favorite Aunt.
I have to thank Ariel, without her I wouldn't have gotten the job in the first place! The things she does.
I am sad that I couldn't see big river, I bet it was great! I probably won't be able to see you guys before the little guy comes, but I have something for you so i am going to leave it at Andrew's mom's place, I can't exactly remember where you live so I am not going to chance it. Good luck with everything!! Only a few more weeks to go yay!
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