Friday, August 29, 2008


Both flights went really well. Little Abraham was so good, especially considering the adventure of almost missing both flights! Here he is quietly sitting in the airplane, wearing his airplane suit.

We saw some awesome sea life when the tide was low.

Baby Abey at the beach with his sunscreen and sun hat

At least take off your shirt and towel first!

Little Hammie knows what's good for him. He said it was too cold to swim. He was kept warm and happy by Papa.

Andrew found this poor drowning man, and decided to pose for a picture with him, instead of help him.

The first and last full day we had were warm. The rest were cold. For the cold days, whenever we went to the beach, Abraham would fall asleep in his sling, and stay there asleep for hours until we left.

Here we are, eating Tillamook cheese sandwiches!

We always knew Abe was a puffin! Here we are at the Seaside aquarium.

Portugal narrowly won the 25m dash, followed closely by Venezuela at our family olympics.

Andrew felt a little sick after this rainy dip, and he was the only one in the ocean, but he could never fight the impulse to jump in. All the Oregonians watched from the beach.

Andrew scaling the knife edge at his favorite beach...

where he later broke off his big toenail trying to fly this kite!

It was a great vacation!


Nikki said...

Mmmm, did you bring me back one of those sandwiches? They look sooooo yummy!

It looks like you guys had some fun. Way to go on staying out of the pink toenail club, Andrew.

Lara said...

Looks like a fantastic vacation! I love the Northwest and Tillamook cheese!

Natalie said...

aaah! so much fun! I hate flying with linc so you are lucky that Abe is so good! I have flown a lone all four times so maybe it would be different if I had some help. I miss the days when he would take naps for hours...those days have since passed me by. Abe is still adorable and I love seeing how handsome he is becoming!

Nonie said...

That sounds like a great vacation!! I really miss that little guy! Has all that facial hair come off now, Andrew?

Nonie said...

That picture of Ari and Abe in the fog wins first prize, by the way. Then Andrew and the drowning man...

Lark said...

Do you think we should send that last picture to Chaco?

Unknown said...

There's some really great photography in this! I love my little nephew!! :D

Nonie said...

Hey -- you added some since we last looked! Samuel sleeps with his hands in his face too. :)