Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some Pig!

Here's clip from dinner tonight. I put these reels up, perhaps for others' enjoyment, but this way I have a portal to my Abe for when I'm far away at work and missing him and my Ariel. Speaking of, work is going well. I am currently writing a report on agency efforts to tackle the complex issue of government reliance on contractors. It's quite interesting, and a little startling to see how much the federal government relies on the private sector. The report will fall into a larger paper on contractor reliance as a whole which will be used by Congress and the Administration in addressing the problem. For more information read Obama's March 4 memo (the first president in decades to address the issue with such emphasis). Anyway, below is life with Abe and the wonderful Evans fam!


Nonie said...

He can whistle!! And it's true -- undoubtedly one of the best pig sounds I've heard. Teach him "Nonie". That'll be a breeze.

Scottish gal said...

Kind of like the monkey, myself. Hope that frosting was cream cheese.

I'm sorry to observe that Big A is being a bad influence on young Winston. At the same time, big Evans is being a wonderful influence on young Abraham. Why is this?

Lark said...

I'm most impressed by my little brother. How did he get all the talent?

Julia Marshall said...

I love it!! He's getting so so big! Maybe I'll see you guys next week, if not I'll see you in 4!! Miss and love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I think this is my first comment on the excellent AAA Blog. Abe is going to be a true Marshall, learning to whistle so early in life. The next step is to teach him to whislte Bach.
