Do see it. And if you don't, we recommend heeding some of these bits of advice the film offers:
- You can vote to change the system three times a day
- Buy from companies that treat workers, animals, and the environment with respect
- When you go to the supermarket choose foods that are in season, buy foods that are organic, know what's in your food, read labels
- Buy foods that are grown locally
- Shop at farmers' markets
- Plant a garden (even a small one)
- Cook a meal with your family and eat together
- Ask your school board to provide healthy school lunches
- If you say grace, ask for food that will keep us, and the planet healthy
- You can change the world with every bite
One disclaimer we might add, that the film doe
s address but not fully, is that this change in eating habits has its monetary cost. However, the cost on our health, the environment, the animals, and the industry workers far outweigh the cost in our budget. We do our best, and look forward to a time when we have an income and space for a garden.
I've been wanting to see this. Thanks for the review!
I've thought a lot about how to afford buying organic, which right now, we can't. I can't even afford to buy the regular produce from the chain stores, so right now I'm buying from the Mexican or Asian markets, where all produce is at least half the price (and mostly still US-grown at least). But I'm starting up my garden this month, and hopefully with what we'll save not buying what we'll be growing, I'll be able to afford some organic stuff. Buying meats is what really scares me... I've got to find a better source for that.
The other week I gave a YW lesson on the WOW, and did some research about the benefits of eating in season (as recommended in D&C 89). I found a couple helpful sites: http://nutrition.suite101.com/article.cfm/winter_fruits_and_vegetables and http://www.bodyecology.com/07/06/28/benefits_in_season.php. They probably say things similar to the documentary.
Do you guys get any sun on your front porch? You might be able to pot a few items out there... Or you could move here and share garden space with us. :)
This one was interesting too: http://www.saga.co.uk/health/healthyliving/healthyeating/seasonalfoodsbetterforyourbody.asp.
Love you three.
Buying organic, fresh produce becomes more affordable as we eliminate much of the meat and dairy we have become accustomed to, and consider the price of doctor visits and medications. I'm excited to try to produce more in the garden with good organic gardening techniques this coming year. Keenan and Nonie, you are lucky to live in sunny CA. Keep stirring things up, Andrew and Ariel! My experience is that living up the unhealthy food follows the pattern of living other healthy principles. First we miss the old, but then the fresh food becomes truly delicious to us, doesn't it? But in my case it is taking years and baby steps. You'll do it faster!
Michael and I saw this when if first came out and loved it. I'm glad you thought it was interesting... & knew you would
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