Thursday, October 7, 2010

Conference Resolutions (and some pictures)

It seems like I've had a lot of postable thoughts bouncing around in my brain lately.  We'll see if this turns into anything coherent.

Conference. We enjoyed every session.  We were really in amazement with how the talks spoke directly to our needs.  We have been thinking a lot about the use of our time (Ariel), the quality of humility (Andrew), and how to bring light in dark places (both of us).  The words of living apostles and prophets, transmitted by the power of the Holy Ghost, inspired and motivated us.  We have decided that rather than make New Year's Resolutions--most of which wither like winter--we will begin making Conference Resolutions as a family.  That way we can check ourselves every six months, and our goals can be based on the words of inspired leaders of the Church.  Some of our resolutions from this conference include:
  • Have Abe repeat a verse out of the Book of Mormon every day (Sister Rosemary Wixom)
  • Have a monthly Daddy-Son interview with Abe (Elder Larry Lawrence)
  • Share the gospel in some way at least once a week.  It's fun for everyone from work to know I'm a Mormon and ask questions, as Elder Nelson promised they would. And make a profile.  (Elder Russell Nelson)
  • Care for our bodies "as best we can" through daily exercise (what started out as a monetary incentive has helped me keep my body strong: biking to work!) and healthy eating (as you've seen through a smattering of recipe posts, Ariel is simply uncanny in her ability to cook beautiful, healthy, filling food) (Elder D. Todd Christofferson)
  • Fill our home with light and "black out" any darkness that could enter by way of the Internet, music, movies, or books. Vigilantly preserve the sanctity of our home (Elder Quentin Cook)
  • Use our agency daily to lift, serve, and bring out the best in others.  Consider how the Holy Ghost's companionship will take part in daily decisions.  Remember that Satan does not have any power over us, only inasmuch as we allow him. Choose Christ in every thought, word, and action.  Everything from what we read, to how quickly we take care of our children in need, to how we take care of our bodies, to how we serve in our callings, to how we interact with neighbors, to virtually every other decision we can make in the course of a day.  Never have there been more choices to make in mortality, never have we had greater amounts of free time--never has the responsibility to serve and the opportunity to do so been so great. (Elder Robert Hales, President Dieter Uchtdorf, Elder Boyd Packer, Elder David Bednar, President Thomas Monson)
  • Work on breaking my addiction to screens.  I tend to gravitate to the iPad or laptop after work, after dinner, or before bed.  I need to remember that it's okay to have screenless nights, and that the inbox, news web sites, blogs, etc. will all be okay without me.  I don't want to succumb to the "hurtful diversions or heartless chambers of isolation" that President Uchtdorf described.  This goal includes deleting time-wasting and mind-numbing games from the iPad. Use it as a tool, not a toy. (President Dieter Uchtdorf, Elder M. Russell Ballard)
  • Oh and phoof . . . President Uchtdorf's pride talk . . . enough said.
  • Be careful in the use of our resources so that we can be prepared to return to Portugal for the temple dedication! (President Thomas S. Monson)
And on that last note, I must share how overjoyed I was at the announcement.  It will change forever the face of the land that I love so dearly.  The temple will bring eternal blessings to so many of my dear friends there, and change the future of that country.  It will bring light to the country, link generations and families through priesthood power, and bring to those good people an absolute knowledge of God, His Son's Atonement, and the great Plan of Salvation.  I am so grateful for the miracles of missionary work and temple work, and how one can bring about the other.  To see a fitting tribute to this great country, please see Jamie Greene's post here.

Everything about the Church illustrates how living it is--prophets, missionaries, temples, the Holy Ghost, the priesthood power, and the humanitarian service of the Church all come immediately to mind.  What a marvelous time to be alive.  It's all true.  This I know. 

Finally, here's what you all want.  A few pictures of the fam from recently.


Kate said...

My heart just went "GAR" when I saw that first picture of Ben.

Lara said...

I love your idea of Conference Resolutions, we may have to steal it!

Meredith said...

I feel so motivated to go through and read those talks again, having read your resolutions. It seems like such a simple, obvious thing to do formally each conference, and yet it has never occurred to me! I love it. And you. Oh, and the first picture of Ben is actually a picture of Andrew.

Jamie said...

What a wonderful idea to have Conference Resolutions!! I especially love the ones you have for Abe. We've been trying to do a Daddy Interview with Easton and while it's been somewhat simple, the consistency is what is important, I guess! I remember repeating a verse from the Book of Mormon each night during family scripture study...well, actually I remember Nicole and Natalie doing it. :)

Thank you for your comment on our blog as well as the link on your blog. It made my day!

By the way, could you email us the Pires contact information? I have been trying to get in touch with Cris and Hugo quite unsuccessfully for the past 5 years. Thank you so much!!

Amy said...

Those first two are being instituted in the Thompson household too:) Also, we have that same Winnie the Pooh book. Ben is looking so much older and like he's coming into his own a bit. You know how they just look sort of baby-ish that first little while? But then all of a sudden they're just personality all over the place? I'm sure you've been seeing it for awhile, but I was so surprised to see this little person looking back at me from the pictures! I love discovering Vivian's personality; I can't wait until these guys can talk; they both look like they've got a ton to say!