Sunday, September 5, 2010

Recipe of the Week

I love to cook. It's a good thing too, because I have a family of hungry boys who expect food a few times a day. I rarely cook the same thing twice. I'm not very inventive, so I just go through recipe books or online recipes and make what sounds good to me. I hear a lot of people who say that they don't have enough healthy, quick meals that they know how to make, and they don't want to risk making a recipe they don't have a personal recommendation for. It occurred to me the other day that it might be helpful if once a week I posted my favorite recipe that I made that week along with a picture and any additional notes about it. Most of the dishes would probably be vegetarian.

Well, would it be helpful? Would you be interested in these recipes? Again, I really only want to do this if it would be helpful or interesting, so please be honest!


Monica said...

I'm all for good, tried and true recipes! bring it on!

Andrea Mouritsen said...

Yes! I would LOVE that. P.S. I found your blog through Amy's and have been quietly stalking ever since. :)

Ashley said...

Yes! Blair and I are trying to eat more meals with no meat, but I feel like I'm running out of recipes. I would love to see your favorites. I vote yes :)

Eliza said...

Yes, please :-)

Kristi said...

I often try recipes I see on blogs because I know that people have already tried them. I don't really like looking through recipe books because there are too many so I'd like suggestions!

Amy said...

I need some vegetarian recipes! Please do...

Nicky Smith said...

i'd love it! ps. great blog!!

Buchfam said...

I would love that too! I almost never make new things, but my sister posts recipes sometimes and I always try those. If someone I know has as good of taste as you says its good, I would definitely make it :)

Abby said...

YES!!! That sounds great! I love new recipes...I started a new cooking project of my own on our blog! I would love to see what you come up with =)

Natalie G. said...

That would be great! And you should post the recipe for the Orange Chicken you made for us after Julia was born. That was really good and I'd like to make it sometime.

Nonie said...

I dig it.

Anonymous said...

just in case you need a little boost to nutrition!